Hemp and marijuana (cannabis) are the two different types of the same plant species, cannabis sativa. Hemp plant again gives us two different oils such as hemp seed oil and CBD (cannabidiol) oil. These two are very different from each other with different compounds.
CBD is an active component in the cannabis sativa plant, which is popular for its various medicinal and non-psychoactive features. The craze for CBD is at peak from past few years. With the legalization of hemp derived CBD oil in many U.S states, there has been a huge spike in the consumption of CBD.
You will find many stores and medicals who sell CBD infused products. However, you should always choose a product of a branded store only. Considering this, JustCBD is one of the most reputed store that produces and distributes various certified CBD infused products such as aceite de CBD, CBD gummies, CBD bath bombs and soaps, CBD vape oil, CBD treats for pets, CBD topicals and more. With years of experience in this field, their main goal is to provide best quality CBD Colombia based products to their ultimate customers.
As both the hemp seed and CBD oil come from the hemp, many people fails to understand the difference between these two. CBD oil has come in spotlight only from past few years whereas; people are using hemp seed oil from thousands of years. Let us briefly get an idea about the differences between CBD oil and hemp seed oil.
Hemp seed oil vs CBD oil
- Hemp seed oil is an extract from the seeds of marihuana sativa plant whereas, CBD oil is an extract from the steams, leaves and flowers of hemp plant itself.
- Hemp seed oil consists of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, vitamin D and vitamin E, gamma-linolenic acid and many other nutrients.
- Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD, THC or any other cannabinoids. This is because the cannabinoids are present only in the plant and not in the seeds.
- However, CBD oil consists of full spectrum oil, broad-spectrum oil and CBD isolate, classified based on the various cannabinoids and terpenes present in it.
Benefits of hemp seed oil
- Hemp seed oil does not make you feel high, as it do not contain THC in it making it a non-psychoactive compound.
- It contains rich fatty acids and nutrients.
- It helps to maintain the cholesterol level thereby improving the health of your heart.
- Hemp seed oil is very good for your skin. It helps to keep your skin smooth, shiny and moisturized.
- It boosts the immune system.
- It consists of anti-aging properties.
- It prevents the clogging of the skin pores.
- Hemp seed oil provides relief from constipation and gastrointestinal conditions.
- It has various anti-bacterial features.
- The taste of hemp seed oil is great.
- Hemp seed oil is also very helpful in reducing inflammation.
- It helps to improve your neurological condition.
Hemp seed oil has various benefits. You can add it to your regular diet and skincare routine as it has no serious side effects.